About Me

Photo of Maija Perfiljeva

My Story

I am an aspiring UX Designer with a solid instructional design and e-learning development background. I have spent over 10 years designing and developing learning (and e-learning) programs aimed at measurable performance improvement.

With my growing focus on e-learning, I strated getting more involved with UX and found that my problem-solving mindset as well as experience in needs analysis, user research and iterative development translated seamlessly into UX design.

With my passion for problem-solving and Agile methodologies, I’m looking forward to applying my skills as a UX Designer/Researcher to identify opportunities and ways to bring value and joy to product users.

Of course, I don’t bring just passion. In more technical terms, as a B2B e-learning developer, I have appreciation of usability, accessibility, and UI design (and I’m not scared of JavaScript and HTML either). In addition, I bring in experience in making data-driven decisions, Agile project management and ability to balance the needs of end users with the interests of business.

When I’m not learning or working, I play board games, paint Warhammer miniatures and make desserts worth dying for.

Skills and Tools

Relevant Skills

  • UX research
  • Story mapping
  • Wireframing
  • Prototyping
  • Usability testing
  • HTML and CSS
  • Agile / SCRUM

Tools I Use

  • Prototyping: Figma, InVision, Adobe XD
  • Wireframing: Balsamiq, pen & paper
  • Research: UsabilityHub, OptimalWorkshop, Hotjar
  • Project management: Jira, Asana, Confluence
  • Design: Adobe Photoshop, GIMP
  • Development: Atom, GitHub, Zeplin